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Marketing Home Care with Branded Images


What is Brand Image?

The Bottom Line: Brand Image Matters

Brand image is important for any business. When consumers buy a product or service, they aren’t just buying a product or service; they’re buying what your brand stands for. That’s why it’s so important to design your brand image to convey exactly what you want it to say. -Forbes

What is the importance of a strong brand image?

Your brand image is how you’re viewed as a business, whether that’s online, through traditional marketing, or even through word of mouth. It’s how you’re viewed for either the bad, or good. This can be detrimental to the success of your business, how easily you can achieve your goals, and how quickly you can make your mark in the industry.


With this in mind, the stronger your brand image is, fully representing your mission as a company, the stronger opportunities you will have to grow and reach your business goals.

Your brand image will have a direct impact on your success, in many different ways. From your ability to attract and retain the right customers, your ability to sell, your ability to become visible for the right reasons, your ability to collaborate with other brands, and your ability to last and build a legacy.


A strong brand image can transform the capabilities of your business. With this in mind, it’s important that you spend some time nurturing and developing your brand image. Here’s our tips on how to build a strong brand image for your business, whether that’s online or through tangible offerings.


How to build a strong brand image for your business

Here’s a timeline to follow to ensure that strong brand-building can be achieved. This process can be followed whether you’re a start-up, developing your initial brand image, or whether you’re hoping to refresh your branding and identity.


Identify who you are as a brand


Before creating your brand, you must identify who you are as a company. What are you offering? Why are you offering this product/service? What differentiates you from other brands?  All of these questions will help you set your intentions as a brand.


Identify who you are targeting as a customer base


The next step of building a strong brand image for your business is identifying your target audience. Your branding guidelines will be in place to attract your ideal customer base. With this in mind, the messages that you communicate, the fonts that you select, the colors that you choose can all either connect or disconnect your future customers.


Develop your brand mission and values


To develop a brand image business strategy, you must have your mission and values in place. This is what you stand for, what you support and what you’ll offer all customers moving forward. This will build the foundations of your brand image, before the visuals and creative steps commence.


Experiment with your tone of voice


A strong brand image for your business will engage with your consumers. You should experiment with your tone of voice, understanding which tone offers the greatest connectivity. Are you a fun-loving brand, opting for relaxed tones? Are you a corporate brand, requiring eloquent and professional guidelines? Whatever your vibe may be, it’s important that your voice can match this.


Inject your brand’s personality


Brand building should be fun, it should be creative. In order to remain memorable, to stand out, to engage with your audience on a human level, you should inject your brand image with personality. This will increase loyalty, engagement and trust with your target audience.


Create your brand guidelines


Once you have your foundations in place, it’s time to develop the vision of your brand image. This will include your logo, selecting a font, selecting a tagline, and selecting your brand colors. Your visual image will represent who you are as a brand, it will aim to connect the ideal customers.


Your brand image can also increase your memorability in the industry, along with recall. By developing strong branding guidelines, you’ll have a plan to follow across all of your marketing material.


Be your brand, everywhere you go


In order for other people to buy into your brand image, you must be your brand everywhere you go. It’s important that your brand image is consistent across all channels. Whether that’s your social media icon, your email marketing style, or your website design, all channels should fall under your guidelines.


In addition, to prolong a strong brand image, it’s time to advocate it. Share your branding, create associations, boost recognition and bring your brand identity to life. – MaxWeb


What is a Brand Identity?


Your brand identity is the combination of all of your marketing and branding efforts, including your:


  • Logo and tagline
  • Aesthetic style, such as fonts, colors, and visuals
  • User experience and engagement
  • Overall brand tone and personality
  • Competitive positioning in your industry and niche
  • Marketing materials, campaigns, and channels
  • Customer service and support efforts


These are all things that you’re creating and publishing in an effort to sculpt your brand image. And the brand image is how it all lands for your audience. – Oberlo


Consistency with Your Brand Image is Important


One of the most critical steps for strong brand image building is to make sure your general vibe is consistent.

Here are some tips for making that happen:


  • Use the same visual aesthetics across all materials and platforms. This includes photo or illustration styles, filters, colors, icons, and fonts.
  • Likewise, use the same brand tone and voice in your copy. The tone is critical to personality perception, so all of your materials should support it.
  • Cross-pollinate your content. Email out your latest ebook, announce your new product line on social media, and use your website’s sale image in a Facebook ad.
  • Incorporate various channels into your sales funnel. Catch your audience on different channels to create a consistent cross-platform experience