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Team Member Mentions: Loren Strauss, Enhanced SEO Specialist

If you want to see your website move from "not found" to page 1 of a Google search, Loren's your go to Enhanced SEO Specialist.
If you want to see your website move from "not found" to page 1 of a Google search, Loren's your go to Enhanced SEO Specialist.

Loren joined us 1 year ago today, May 1st , 2023!


If you want to see your website move from “not found” to page 1 of a Google search, Loren’s your go to Enhanced SEO Specialist.


In the last year, Loren has done an amazing job of keeping our Enhanced SEO clients organized and on track for better visibility in their local markets.


SEO is part common sense and part strategy. Some areas are tougher to rank than others. No one knows this better than Loren,


Her passion for expanding her knowledge and credentials makes her an excellent addition to our team.

Loren’s experience as a Virtual Assistant and Project Manager at Virtual Assist USA has given her extensive project management experience and executive administrative skills, which is invaluable in her role at Approved Senior Network.


Her experience working with multiple clients in various industries, including tech companies, medical practices, and entrepreneurs, enables her to contribute her unique perspective to our marketing services.



Loren’s passion for collaboration, project management, and an independent working atmosphere makes her an excellent fit for our remote team, which has been working virtually from home for almost a decade. Her excellent communication skills, both written and verbal, make her a great asset to our team.


In addition to her technical skills, Loren’s expertise in social media management on all platforms, website development, writing and editing, and design programs like Canva and Photoshop, is a significant contribution to our content creation, and SEO page website design  efforts.


The team at Approved Senior Network is thrilled to have Loren on our team, and we are confident that her experience and expertise helps us continue to provide outstanding customer service and expand our services in the senior care industry.

Valerie VanBooven RN BSN

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